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Ensuring Safety for Horse and Rider

Your Guide to Safe Horsemanship

Service Description

Safety is our top priority. Our comprehensive safety training covers essential practices to protect both you and your horse. From proper handling techniques to the use of protective gear, we ensure you're equipped with the knowledge to maintain a safe and secure environment.

Accidents can be prevented with the right knowledge and precautions. Our safety training includes workshops on emergency preparedness, proper equipment use, and safe riding practices, helping you create a secure environment for all your equestrian activities.


1 Hour


23263 East Country Rd 1520 Maysville, OK 73057

Number of participants

1 - 6


Customized Pricing Available Upon Request

Princesa Mae

Retired Equine Social Butterfly & Beloved Companion

Lily's Cochise

Advanced Skills Coach & Spirited Riding Partner


Communication Specialist & Confidence Coach


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The Gentle Quarter Horse and Children's Safety Instructor


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